Friday, May 28, 2010

Blog #4

The problems that occurred in the book i would say are
solved some what, Although i think that they could fix
some of their problems in
different then how they did, but in the long run the way
they resolved some of their issues is what made the book so
interesting and it also made the book realistic. Also I
think the book was vary realistic and believable because
it's was based on a situation that could happen to someone
that is in high school. Also i think that it made the book
really interesting and it also made it more interesting
because it was based on a teen in their senior year.

I think the book was really good and i enjoyed how Courtney
Summers wrote the book. The way it was written really made
you get into fast and it always made you want more. In the
end i really felt sorry for Regina and what was happening to
her even thought she was a bad person behind what the problem.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

blog # 3

In the book the main struggle or problem is Regina relationship with her friend after she lost her status with her friends because of the thing that were going about her. Also along with this problem come a lot more problems, like how she is viewed by other and how Regina reacts to what they say and do. Another problem that appears along with the main problem is her friends bullying her and making her life harder then it already is. Regina doesn't know how she can really fix her problems because she seems to be her confronted with the original problem witch is the rumor that Kate spreed about her and her best friends boy-friend.

Regina tries to handle the problem as best as possible although she doesn't know who she can trust and talk to any more because she is unwanted. She turns to Micheal who she use to bully and their relationship hers her cop with what is going on. The outcome is both positive and negative because she learned a lot on how much she can really handle. but at the same time she realizes what a person actions can do to a person in the long run.

Do you think that Regina learned from what happened to her? how would you make the best out of the problems that she faces?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

blog # 2

At the beginning of the book Regina was vary put together she knew what she wanted and everyone respected her. Since she was so high on the social ladder she was vary confident and knew who she was as a person. Although when Kate told her friends about what happened to her she slow became less confident and lost her power. Regina didn’t know what to do any more, but that didn’t stop her she was vary tough and didn’t really care what others though even if it meant she lost e spot. Regina hoped that her friends would come around and realize what was really happening. Regina always strives to get on people’s good side even if it meant she had to talk to someone she used to make fun of. When it came down to the facts she’s vary independent person she really didn’t want any ones help she only wanted the truth to come out so she wouldn’t have to face her problem but she know she’s going to like in the second part of the book.

A major flaw that Regina has is she’s so used to being her old self that now that she has to start over she think that she could get back at the one who really hurt her. So this almost like her and Kate are out to get each other. Regina in the past has done some bad thing to other and she is a horrible person but I think she can’t get over what happening to her because she see the flaws that she had when she was doing the same thing to other people. Although I felt sorry for her because I feel she is getting it 2 times harder then what she ever deserved.

If your past depends on what happens to you in your future, and you were a horrible person what would you do to be a better person so people wouldn’t think of you as a horrible person in the future?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Blog 1

When i first started reading I wasn't sure if it was going to be a good book, but it only took one chapter to really get into it.

Regina is the main character she use to belong to the Fearsome Fivesome, an all-girl clique who are all feared by everyone at Hallowell High. Until horrible rumours went around about Regina, When she face the fact that she was going to drop down the social ladder, she new she wasn't going to have any more friends. The rumor that went around was done by a girl named Kate and she also took her place in the group with her friends. Regina had told Kate that she was raped by her best friends boyfriend but Kate spread a rumor that she had sex with her best friends boyfriend. When word got around at school Regina was hated and had no friends and no one to sit with at lunch. Her old friends wanted to make her pay and spent every chance to do so. As time goes by she hates going to school even more until one day she decides to go sit with a guy named Michael Hayden who had a vary tragic past. Although when Regina was part of the Fearsome Fivesome she bullied Michael. Both of their friendships with each don’t come easy, but Regina works hard to make up for her past and what she had done.

The author gets you to keep read and holds your interest and by making the end of each part more intense and makes you read on. Courtney Summers does a great job at making us as readers to stay interested.

Question: If you lost all of your friends and had a horrible rumor spread about you that wasn’t true and it ended up destroying your last year in high school like it did to Regina, what would you do? Would you trust someone you use to make fun of or keep to yourself?